Packin' a Punch in a Sack Lunch
October 4, 2009 6:17 PM   Subscribe

Packin' a Punch in a Sack Lunch
I used to mouse a comic in my universities' newspaper, and recently decided to restart it as a web comic. Taking a hint from XKCD, I tried to design an extremely minimalist and lightweight 1 page php script that handles the whole shebang, as well as releasing it under a creative commons share-alike license. I can't draw, and make no efforts to hide it, but hopefully a few people will get a kick out of the humor. Check it out!
posted by metacollin (2 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

You didn't lie about not being able to draw. Some of these are quite funny though.
posted by cjorgensen at 10:48 AM on October 5, 2009

Thanks! Yeah, I 'draw' freehand with a mouse and the results are obvious to put it kindly. I actually drew some high-res vector art by hand, and may start slowly working it in (you can see an example in the lower-right corner). However, the shear sloppiness and uncaring way I left obvious circular photoshop eraser marks everywhere and reused frames became my signature style in the news paper, to the point that the art director didn't want me to change it. Go figure.
posted by metacollin at 1:08 AM on October 6, 2009

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