Visiting the School for Self-Determination in Moscow, Russia in 2002
April 3, 2009 2:23 PM   Subscribe

Visiting the School for Self-Determination in Moscow, Russia in 2002
I've been involved on and off with alternative education for over ten years. In 2001 and 2002, I participated in several informal trips to Russia, to learn about the alternatives in their educational systems. I focused my visit in the second trip on the school in Moscow headed by the famous Alexander Tubelsky: the School for Self-Determination. I also made a few side-trips to the Moscow International Film School. These are my edited journals from the trip (actually this is part III of one of my many unpublished books, one of the few parts available in any form). I think reading about alternative schools in Russia is interesting for anyone interested in Russia, or who is interested in the field of Alternative Education. I'd like to think that the stories here also help to show how Russia (somewhat) and alternative education (moreso) are important and interesting to everyone.
posted by peter_meta_kbd (0 comments total)

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