November 18, 2008 10:29 AM   Subscribe

Condomunity is a blog dedicated to all things condoms and in future I will be adding relationships, gifts, online dating etc. I'm interested in any feedback and ideas to improve the blog/service. The main idea behind the whole thing is to create a place where it's actually fun to get your information from unlike the existing resources and I think it's working out quite well.

What's missing? What would you love to read? Do you ever buy condoms online? I'll shortly be adding a questions and answers section, is there anything this section should have?

Sincere thanks for any feedback. And if there are any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
posted by iSimone (2 comments total)

Absolutely, more people need to know about buying condoms online just for the savings. Drugstore prices are so high; condom-needing sex shouldn't cost a dollar a pop (as it were). Years ago I bought a gross of Kimono MicroThins from for, like, 25 cents each (now it looks like it's just a linkfarm... rest in peace, dear rubbertree!!) and I never looked back.

One immediate thought is that a prominent section of the site could be a geographic database of all the places where people can get condoms for free. Those can be good-quality (for example, the free "NYC Condoms" are rebranded Lifestyles).

This is a great idea and you're starting beautifully. Thank you.
posted by kalapierson at 9:44 AM on November 26, 2008

Hey Kala,

Thanks for the input and thanks for the kind words. I'm actually already working on an implementation of that. Feel free to drop some ideas of how to achieve that, also as a PM.


posted by iSimone at 4:18 PM on December 6, 2008

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