Colourful Echo: MP3 Visualizer Combining Audio and Color
October 20, 2008 8:05 AM   Subscribe

Colourful Echo: MP3 Visualizer Combining Audio and Color
Colourful Echo is an online music visualizer, combining data from two APIs: and Users are invited to upload their own mp3s, and in return get to see (and hear) their songs animated, based on a few variables like loudness, pitch and palette.

Running the data side of things, the Echo Nest API analyzes each submitted song, and returns a detailed map of each mp3. The resulting analysis is then used to generate visuals that are synchronized with the audio playback. 

To give color to the project, a random palette is taken from, where there are currently over 500,000 user-generated color palettes. Additionally, the project allows for users to input their own ColourLovers palette ID, should there be one palette in particular they're interested in seeing.

At the end of each animation, users are also given a permalink to their song/color combination, as well as custom object/embed info should they choose to post the animation on their own blogs/sites. 

I don't really have a fancy artist statement for this project. It's got a bit of synesthesia to it, but beyond that... I find the visual effects and colors to be a little calming (and oftentimes mesmerizing). I hope you find this project of interest, and enjoy playing around with it. With any luck, I'm looking forward to showing people songs they've never seen before.
posted by avoision (4 comments total)

so awesome!
posted by brianwhitman at 9:17 AM on October 20, 2008

I've tried 3 different songs and gotten 3 different errors
posted by god particle at 4:45 PM on October 20, 2008

I did make some changes last night, but nothing that should have caused errors. On occasion, if the ID3 info in the mp3 has double quotation marks or something along those lines... that sometimes causes a problem with the upload.

I've been testing a lot, both last night and this morning, and haven't run into any issues. If you're still seeing the error, I'd love to know the message you're getting, so that I can try to fix the problem.
posted by avoision at 5:37 AM on October 21, 2008

I haven't had a chance to try this until now, but I love it. Very cool.
posted by darksong at 5:40 PM on October 28, 2008

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