August 10, 2008 11:46 AM   Subscribe

when I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in February of this year, the last thing I expected was that I would build a virtual version of the experience. Since the days of MUDs and MOOs, I've been building interactive tableaux of academic concepts and ideas I've wrestled with; cancer was one more such struggle. But this time I had Second Life, which provided me with the tools to build a much more polished exhibit for other people to experience. Part therapy, part information sharing, and part demonstration of the power of visual, audio, and interactive narrative to convey ideas, feelings and other abstractions, Cancerland is now a public display.

In order to see Cancerland, you need have a user account (free) and the Second Life viewer client. Sign up for a user account here, which will walk you through and lead you to the download link.

If you already have an account but need the viewer, you can download it here.

If you want to see Cancerland but seriously object to signing up for an account, ping me (check here for the medium of your choice), and we'll work something out for you.

Tips: just follow the grey path through the exhibit to get the full narrative, "touch" means a single mouse click on an object, and make sure your audio is on and cranked.
posted by Hildegarde (1 comment total) 2 users marked this as a favorite

Excellently done; both written and spoken prose made it thoroughly immersive. You might want to consider preloading sounds with a prim near the teleport entry location so there isn't any load lag when visitors trigger the sounds later.
posted by brownpau at 7:57 AM on August 12, 2008

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