Derailleur- Bond EP
July 18, 2008 2:01 PM   Subscribe

Derailleur- Bond EP
My band, Derailleur, just finished an EP of songs that should have been themes for Bond movies, but somehow weren't (weirdly, this happened independently of the spy-related MeFi Music Challenge). They range from the sort of song you'd expect to hear as Bond axe-fights 100 henchmen to the sort of thing you'd hear as Bond sits on a fishing launch and contemplates his mortality. MP3s and cover art available for download.

Rough mixes of a couple of these appeared on MeFi Music, but here's the final, complete version. And you want to be a final completist, don't you?
posted by COBRA! (2 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

Great stuff, I really liked the tracks I've heard; small criticism on the embedding of the mp3s... This launches quicktime for me, which either plain sucks in playing mp3s, or kills my browser cold. Adding a simple flash mp3 embedded player e.g ... or direct download links or something that says 'right click to download mp3' or something would be helpfull. /final completist.
posted by acro at 8:54 PM on July 23, 2008

Right on, thanks for that. I'll talk to the hombre that maintains our site...
posted by COBRA! at 7:39 AM on July 24, 2008

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