Grade Tracker
July 9, 2008 2:45 PM   Subscribe

Grade Tracker
For all of those college kids out there who just have to know exactly what their grade is at any moment here come Grade Tracker, an OpenOffice/Excel spreadsheet for tracking your grade in a class and your overall GPA.

If you prefer, go straight to Zoho and see the spreadsheet there.

The long of it can be seen in the Read Me, so I'll give you the short version here.

Basically, I made myself a spreadsheet so that I could figure out my GPA and what I had/needed to get in a class. My girlfriend saw it, wanted it, and like it. So I decided to share with the world.

It consists of 3 sheets. The first is for the classes you're taking right now. Put in the points possible and earned for each assignment, and it tells you what your grade would be right now if you didn't do any more work and what the highest grade you can get is. It also tells you how many points you need to earn to reach each grade level.

The next two sheets are for GPA, with the only difference being that one is major specific and one is for everything.

Put in the hours a class is worth and the grade you got in the class, and your GPA is printed both for that semester and overall.

Questions/comments/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I know I really enjoy having this, and I think other students will as well.
posted by theichibun (2 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite

Perfect timing, looking forward to using this. Thanks.
posted by ageispolis at 6:29 PM on July 9, 2008

It looks good, I normally spend an hour or so redoing this for each class by hand when I'm bored. Maybe using this I'll procrastinate a little less :)
posted by jacalata at 1:36 AM on July 27, 2008

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