Bigfoot's Dermal Ridges
May 27, 2008 4:52 PM   Subscribe

Bigfoot's Dermal Ridges
My website consists of four things; a set of blog entry type essays on a variety of subjects, a boastful and vain "About Me" page, a page devoted to lamps I've built, and the meat of the matter, an investigation into Bigfoot's Dermal Ridges. I've only had a website since 2006, so it may be obvious to some that my technical level of sophistication is rather low. Heck, I just bought a scanner a few weeks ago... I'm using a default Frontpage template, and I'm beginning to realize its limitations. While the subject of Bigfoot is certainly a "fringe" topic, I'd like to believe that my investigations constitute valid amateur science. My geologist associate, Dr. Anton Wroblewski, believes this is a novel discovery and has suggested that I write this up for publication in a geology or ichnology journal. On another level, I've always liked obsessive research into esoteric subjects, so perhaps others who share this perspective can relate.
posted by Tube (0 comments total)

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